
This website is purely for information on the business and organisation of AE Research Management Sdn Bhd, and does not constitute investment advice or recommendation in whatsoever form.  No investment products and/or services mentioned in this website have been reviewed or endorsed by the Securities Commission of Malaysia (“SC”) and the SC shall not be held responsible for any contents stated herein.  By entering this website, you also agree that AE Research Management Sdn Bhd shall not be held liable for any damage arising from using any information from this website, and accepts the privacy notice policies adopted by the company.


AE Research Management Sdn Bhd is committed to recruit and train highly qualified people, to help contribute to the talent pool in the asset management industry in Malaysia.

We seek individuals with strong analytical abilities, teamwork skills and working experiences (preferably but not necessary) in engineering sectors.

If you are interested to explore the opportunity with us, please send your details to info@aeresearchmanagement.com


This website is purely for information on the business and organisation of AE Research Management Sdn Bhd, and does not constitute investment advice or recommendation in whatsoever form.  No investment products and/or services mentioned in this website have been reviewed or endorsed by the Securities Commission of Malaysia (“SC”) and the SC shall not be held responsible for any contents stated herein.  By entering this website, you also agree that AE Research Management Sdn Bhd shall not be held liable for any damage arising from using any information from this website, and accepts the privacy notice policies adopted by the company.